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Funeral Services for police officer Wenlian Liu
NYPD voice from Brooklyn-news on Vimeo. |
April 8, 1982 – December 20,2014 Wenlian Liu
Thousands of police officers from across the country paid their respects to NYPD detective Wenjian Liu, one of two patrolmen who were gunned down last month in an unprovoked attack in a Brooklyn neighborhood.
Liu's widow, Pei Xia Chen, said "he is my hero." The couple had been married only a few weeks when the officer was killed on Dec. 20.
New York Police Department Chaplain Robert Romano quoted a Buddhist proverb: "When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. When you die, you rejoice, and the world cries."
微風吹拂着片片的飄雪,警隊的直昇機在上空盤旋着。成千上萬的藍製服白手套警隊莊嚴地守候在華人殯儀館外。民眾自發地在館外排起長隊,隊伍之中也加插了許多千里迢迢從各地而來為這位素未謀面的兄弟送行的警察,雪雨越下越大但都沒有減却大家恩別這位英雄警察一劉文健的情懷。從 報紙上看到這位警察暨沒有氣宇軒昂的長相也沒有什麼轟轟烈烈的豐功偉蹪。但是他卻是平實穩健一步一腳印地走出自己的移民路。十五歲跟隨父母從台山移民到美 國,從一句英語都不懂到服務民衆的公僕。相信他也是下了許多苦功才能成為紐約精英的一員。這個家中的獨子也有着他的理想與抱負一要成為一個好警察,他做到 了。他和同伴在巡邏的警車裡被一狂徒在近距離鎗殺。三十七歳的年華可以説是太短暫,但是他的生命是充實和有意義。風在吹,雪雨紛紛不停。不能參與相送的隊伍行列,只能從心底裡相送!
April 8, 1982 – December 20,2014 Wenlian Liu
Thousands of police officers from across the country paid their respects to NYPD detective Wenjian Liu, one of two patrolmen who were gunned down last month in an unprovoked attack in a Brooklyn neighborhood.
Liu's widow, Pei Xia Chen, said "he is my hero." The couple had been married only a few weeks when the officer was killed on Dec. 20.
New York Police Department Chaplain Robert Romano quoted a Buddhist proverb: "When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. When you die, you rejoice, and the world cries."
微風吹拂着片片的飄雪,警隊的直昇機在上空盤旋着。成千上萬的藍製服白手套警隊莊嚴地守候在華人殯儀館外。民眾自發地在館外排起長隊,隊伍之中也加插了許多千里迢迢從各地而來為這位素未謀面的兄弟送行的警察,雪雨越下越大但都沒有減却大家恩別這位英雄警察一劉文健的情懷。從 報紙上看到這位警察暨沒有氣宇軒昂的長相也沒有什麼轟轟烈烈的豐功偉蹪。但是他卻是平實穩健一步一腳印地走出自己的移民路。十五歲跟隨父母從台山移民到美 國,從一句英語都不懂到服務民衆的公僕。相信他也是下了許多苦功才能成為紐約精英的一員。這個家中的獨子也有着他的理想與抱負一要成為一個好警察,他做到 了。他和同伴在巡邏的警車裡被一狂徒在近距離鎗殺。三十七歳的年華可以説是太短暫,但是他的生命是充實和有意義。風在吹,雪雨紛紛不停。不能參與相送的隊伍行列,只能從心底裡相送!